Universal Theory: Spiritual Evolution and Salvation

Spiritual Evolution and Salvation (I Am that I Am)

Important:  “And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”

Heaven and Divinity is not “out there, somewhere” Divinity is within you. Salvation comes from within.

On Salvation (from my understanding):

To those who think Sin is doing something bad and you go to hell, in my understanding, the Divine does not particularly care what you do (for the most part), so long as it does no harm. If you are capable of forgiveness and compassion for fellow life, If you do something harmful, if you are capable of forgiveness (true-hearted forgiveness) then the Divine can forgive you, after-all if man can forgive himself, certainly the (infinite) Divine can. You are free to experience what you wish to experience and you will see the folly of certain paths and actions of your own accord yielding greater understanding and appreciation for the Divine’s Love.There are certain things in alignment with the Universe and there are others that are not, of this you will discover.

Sin is nothing more than Separation from Divinity. That’s it. Right now it is used as a control by various franchised churches. A threat to keep you in fear. (The one question: is it out of love?) Let this information free you and others, if you so wish. You do not need a middle-man between yourself and the Divine. And if you do it will be the son.

Understand that Salvation is available to All, The Christened energies are available to all who seek it. There is no need for condemnation based on ideological divisions of the mind. It is time to move beyond graven images, and idolatry, this including worshiping images of spiritual figureheads. Understand that it is the principle, the teachings behind the teachers that is important much like it is the intent behind the words that matters. For Fundamentalists, remember the story of Lot’s wife, she looked back and was frozen in a pillar of salt. Taken literally this is not only comical, but hardly makes any sense. However there are many layers of understanding. She clinged to the past and was frozen in it, clinging to structures that are sure to be washed away in the river of life.

It is the Christened Energy that works through these teachers. Where does divinity live? (in truth everywhere), but your guests do not come in uninvited, as with evil, it lives where there are open doors.

I like these three verses:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.

I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.


At the risk of becoming some sort of guru and giving the information time to digest I may post less, but I will give you what I can when I feel inspired, that is my virtue.

“Don’t let them fool ya,
Or even try to school ya! Oh, no!
We’ve got a mind of our own…”  – Bob Marley (Could you be Loved)

“Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be.” – Nirvana

Understand that each of is a hero or heroine of our own making, each of us is our own savior and each of us have to capability within ourselves to change the world to something truly worth living in, just by virtue of expression.

I have spent a lot of time shining light upon the material world, but now I’d like to take the time to talk about the unseen one. The two are not entirely unrelated. When the founding fathers drew up the bill of rights and constitution, they were not only protecting your rights here in the material but in the spiritual as well. They were protecting your freedom of expression. If you have seen any of the past posts you will begin to see a trend in that nearly all “dark” efforts have been to limit choice or encourage conformity. What is the difference between conformity and being who you are? It’s the difference between laws and values, dogma and free-thinking religion and spirituality, one is inherently free. All of these controls and boxed in constructs have left a very rigid, non elastic, and completely out-of-line with the flow of the Universe type of reality. We all know what happens when anything is bottled up, eventually it seeks to find release, and usually with great vigor. Imagine the imbalance being experienced on a global level, could that imbalance be the cause of some of the destruction we see today?

There has been great change in the world, I can tell, lies will not stand as they had before. People are going to get reacquainted with themselves, under the many layers of programming and restriction, people will know themselves and share themselves. They will have freedom, freedom of expression. Together these many individual dots, will create the mosaic that is our world and our reality and maybe once Humanity can accept itself as it is, we can begin to look towards the greater possibilities and reaching their greatest potential.

You don’t need me, or some spiritual teacher or leader to give you instructions, you already know how to do it. Just be who you are. Don’t worry about what I say or anyone else, use your mind as the map, your heart the compass, your body the vehicle, and your soul the driver.


The Living Expressionist

– Tabula Rasa means a clean slate.

I was to give you a paintbrush,
And ask you to paint a picture,
That was worth a thousand words.
What story would it tell?
To all those who observed.

Would it tell of fiction in its lines,
Of friendship within its colors,
Broken sorrow in its skies?

Of great trees
grown from the seeds of success
Of judgement:
guilt or innocence.
Of clarity from the waters deep
A pillow where my thoughts can sleep.

Pouring over pedestrian faces
Would I see a gambler of fate?
Could I analyze the brush strokes
to reveal feelings which motivate
Was it love or hate?
Or maybe fear.

Fear of losing that which you try to capture
So you continue painting faster,
faster, until the piece is done.
Its worn, tattered texture tell
How many ages ago
this paint had dried as well.

Would it echo back to me
With the voice of reason,
What you’ve seen through solemn eyes?
Would I find within its shadows,
the shadow of a lie?

All while gazing through its windows,
At the inner workings of your mind.

And if everyone in the world had a brush,
Which picture would they paint of you?
Which one would be most accurate,
Within so many points of view.

– Me

Healing Arts Lesson 3 – Strength in Numbers

Healing Arts Lesson 3 – Strength in Numbers

Healing Art: Where there is thought there is energy, where there is emotion there is energy, where there is just about anything there is energy. So just as group psychology can be used for “dark” it can be used for light.

Group energizing can have profound effects especially when in synchronicity with each other. Things like group meditation, ideas becoming manifestation, etc. There is strength in numbers and  much strength in Love.

True Theory: Understanding the Universe

Universal Theory: Understanding Our Universe

Disclaimer: The information contained herein this blog is expressed based on my viewpoint/perspective and understanding. These posts are born of a desire to share an expression, a desire to share some of my thoughts with the world (or at least the web). The intended purpose of these expressions is to push you in new directions, to stir your thoughts and bring into your awareness some new modalities of thought, to inspire. Nothing here, or elsewhere for that matter, should be taken without a grain of salt. These are not dictates, or commandments, these are simply provocations. If there was ever to be a mandate I would say: Never stop questioning, question everything and push everything as far as you can possibly conceive and bring it back into balance so that you may understand it further, and take only what you need for truth. This will increase your plasticity. With all of that said, lets see what we can figure out, together.


Hello one and all,

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.”- Albert Einstein

And that Albert is my intent, to make it as simple as I possibly can. This is the post I truly wished to start with, but I felt the others were more important for those who wish to know in these times and to address some mistakes I had made.

It’s a big Universe out there, and yet very small if you can see the intricate connections inherent within it. Everything is connected in one way or another. If you stick with me for a little while I’ll try to show you some of the beauty (as well the ugly) that I see in life and hopefully you’ll have something to share with me as well. It’s a big Universe, full of mystery, together we can explore its ups, its downs, its wisdom, its pain, and it’s glory. From the understanding gained we can begin to apply this to our world, we will create Heaven on this very Earth.  It is not in our power, our strength or intelligence, or beauty that our gifts lie, but in our potential. It is this potential that is the greatest gift, potentiality is not a one-time thing, it is the gift that keeps on giving. Each of us is a hero or heroine of our own making, each of us is our own savior and each of us have to capability within ourselves to change the world to something truly worth living in just by virtue of expression. I’m ready when you are, I’ve been waiting a long time, so let us begin my friends!


I am of the opinion that everything in this universe can be explained simply and using basic principles. By understanding some of it’s more basic functions and mechanisms, it’s possible to gain a rudimentary feel for how the universe works. Our reality is not what it seems. We have 5 senses (Sight, Touch, Taste, Smell and Sound), that in itself is already limiting and to limit it even further, our senses can only perceive a certain range. It makes you wonder about the claims about man being the highest life-form. In what respect? Dogs can smell and hear better, Hawks can see better than us, and there are plenty of more sensitive animals than there are humans. We know things exist outside of our visible light spectrum and there are forces that we cannot normally sense. So what is this reality we are always talking about?

The reality we perceive is limited by our senses ability to process it. In other words, we see a small part of reality and the vast majority resides in the world outside of our tangible senses. With this taken in account, you then can see two ways of looking at the world: You can either look at the world from the perspective of tangibility and the material reality, as experienced by our senses, or you can base it on the unseen forces that govern them. Logically this is the best option because, in truth, that is where most of reality resides! You can call the unseen the spirit world and the world in which we reside the physical or material reality. If we take the spiritual view, this can accommodate for anomalies that the material world view cannot other than calling it “fiction.” Ghosts, spirits, supernatural ability, life after death all cannot be currently be explained under material terms. This discredits anything of spiritual nature told of in the past as stories, just fables created by man. However, I always find myself thinking, those people must have been incredibly imaginative because apparently all they did was create fiction. It makes me wonder what people would say to Buddha or Jesus or any other spiritual figurehead were they alive today. They seemed to spend a good portion of their lives talking about the unseen, I wonder if anyone ever asked them to stop day-dreaming or talking about things that don’t exist. I have seen in some places people claiming that Jesus did not exist, he may have not been as portrayed, but I wouldn’t write him off either. Love is a principle of creation, not Jesus, he is a being or the embodiment of this principle (perhaps one of many, if you subscribe to that). Religious Zealots do not take this opportunity to attack non-religious people or vice-versa (at least not here).

There are only five things I believe that one needs to know about the Universe:

1.) It has been said that All is frequency or Vibration. What is vibration? Vibration is movement in some sense of the word, motion, energy, forces interacting with each other that appear to give rise to solidity. With this as a basis it becomes much easier to understand later topics. Information = Energy = Consciousness

2.) As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without

This is an old terminology from when few words carried a lot of meaning. Basically, in my understanding, this means what happens in the Heavens or up there in the cosmos, is mirrored below and like-wise as below, so above. Key terms: Microcosm and Macrocosm. It also has significance in relation to frequency.

3.) Newton’s laws of motion
The three laws proposed by Sir Isaac Newton concerning relations between force, motion, acceleration, mass, and inertia. These laws form the basis of classical mechanics and were elemental in solidifying the concepts of force, mass, and inertia.

Newton’s first law states that a body at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will remain in motion with a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force. This law is also called the law of inertia.

Newton’s second law states that a force acting on a body is equal to the acceleration of that body times its mass. Expressed mathematically, F = ma, where F is the force in Newtons, m is the mass of the body in kilograms, and a is the acceleration in meters per second per second.

Newton’s third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, if one body exerts a force F on a second body, the first body also undergoes a force of the same strength but in the opposite direction. This law lies behind the design of rocket propulsion, in which matter forced out of a burner at high speeds creates an equal force driving the rocket forward.

These laws also can apply to thoughts, if all is frequency then these should apply and knowing that now, it becomes apparent why you shouldn’t add fuel to the fire.
Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Newtons+second+law

4.) Trust within – You have everything you need within you to change everything you find unsavory about your experience. No need to keep log books of who is trustworthy or not simply trust yourself and it’s a one-time deal. Trust that the universe will provide you with what you need when you need it.
The Universal Law
The Universal Law is that knowledge, that awareness, that all living things, that all life has within it that vitality, that strength, to gather from itself all things necessary for its growth and its fruition.
Source: http://www.iebele.nl/CosmicLaws.pdf
The One Major Principle

In any thought, feeling or action I have found that there is only one thing that need be asked is out of love?

The Principles of Cosmic Awareness

“Judge not.”
“Be humble.”
“Never do anything contrary to the Law of Love.”
“Never do anything contrary to the Law of Mercy.”
Theory of the Universe
* This is my interpretation, I do not claim this is the truth and the only truth
My interpretation of the All Seeing Eye with Missing Capstone. This is a rough representational graphic I made, I’ll let you guys figure this one out ;).
It is said that in the beginning, there was the void and the void was without form. We live in a universe of dualistic expression, meaning every coin-has its flip-side. Good/bad, Right/wrong, Day/Night, Matter/Anti-matter and so on. You could say in the beginning there were the first polarities: Nothing and Something or non-existence and existence. It could be said that in the beginning something and nothing beget each other giving rise to possibility, the only true reality. You could think of a plane of nothingness or a field of nothingness if you will, and everywhere on this field is the potential for something to exist. This is the first possibility: existence. That’s where the word being comes from. You are not anything yet you just exist, you are just “being”. That existence gives rise to the next logical possibility:  Awareness (I AM). Before anything else can happen, a being must become aware of itself. So to recap something happened, that can be termed movement or vibration (frequency). Something happened that’s it. That is why everything is frequency. How frequently do you tap, how frequently do you blink, these are all frequencies. Next up is creation, the only way to create is through either division or combination. You cannot do this with wholes, this is where I think the word (w)holy comes from. If I have red paint I can’t do much with it, but if I have another color, suddenly I can make many shades. I may be wrong, but I think this is also where the word “divinity” comes from, infinite potential for infinite division (Divide-Infinity).
If we take a sine wave as seen here:
If we apple the principle of As above so Below to the sine wave, we get something very familiar looking. We get the infinity symbol, which is also a 2D cross section of a torus when rotated 360 degrees or when in 3D form.

The torus would look like this because the two side points fall along the center line.

That center point signifies zero point. This corresponds to the Fibonacci sequence and also the Zero Point Energy. This is supposedly where your true essence lies, in between realms.

Note the counter-rotating fields. This explains the reverse speech phenomena. What happens here essentially happens in reverse in the spirit, but not literally. So it’s not that if you if you tell the truth here you lie in spirit, but that your true intent is hidden in the spirit (subconscious world). I think that’ll do it for now, I hope you guys have some interesting theories and interpretations to share with me as well. Please don’t take any of this stuff for verbatim truth, just use it to stimulate your own thought.

Excellent Resources

Zero Point Energy

Spirit Science Series

Video about Vibration